Welcome to a Part of Me

To those that care, those that might and those that are just curious:

I am a Christian, husband, father etc. At times a bit of a contrarian so don't assign me all of the labels one might associated with those categories. I have an extreme love of food and wine and sharing them as frequently as possible. I have opinions, many of which will never see the light of a computer screen.

As time progresses you can anticipate snippets on what I understand about following Christ, copious posts about my wonderful family, failed fishing jaunts - (I don't do trips, they require too much time attention and care - jaunts will suffice for me), hikes and camping both with and without my boys, food glorious food, politics, business and the current (now past tense) job search. I am sure there will be more...

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Political Philosophy

Much of my interest in politics lies in the political philosophies behind the systems vs the actual execution of politics (given how politics has gone in the last 50 years or so, execution may be the right word).  I have been particularly interested in the Social Contract theories such as those proposed by Locke and Rousseau etc.  In general the concept is this: if I am stronger I could come take over your land...until someone stronger than me comes along.  We agree to leave each other alone and help protect each other against the next big guy that comes along.  We agree to give up a "natural" instinct to take and overpower, in order to assure that we are not the victim of the same instinct from someone else.  The evolution of this concept is the foundation of our modern democratic and republican systems (referring to the methodologies of rule not the political leanings of individuals and parties that have overcome the original meanings).    

My personal theory will likely become a book some day...the United States has moved from a government based on the Social Contract theories to a government based on a Socialised Contract.  The Social Contract implies a conscious decision to exchange "freedoms" for security and certainty.  When you look at the US today there are two minorities that fit that description: naturalized citizens and expats.  They have actively chosen to adhere to or move away from the laws of the land.  An extremely large majority of the remaining population grows up hearing that the US is the best country in the world and our system of government is second to none.  I'm not saying it isn't - I am saying that by the time we reach an age where we can actively participate in our governing or move away from it we are socialized into the concept that there is not other way to go.  We accept our method of government as if there isn't an alternative.  This eliminates the very base of the Social Contract - a decision.  Even the extremists at both ends of the spectrum rely on the understood and assumed level of freedom and rights in the system.

The short of the message is think it through.  Understand what government is and should be.  From their you will likely - as I have - know you are in the right place.  

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