Welcome to a Part of Me

To those that care, those that might and those that are just curious:

I am a Christian, husband, father etc. At times a bit of a contrarian so don't assign me all of the labels one might associated with those categories. I have an extreme love of food and wine and sharing them as frequently as possible. I have opinions, many of which will never see the light of a computer screen.

As time progresses you can anticipate snippets on what I understand about following Christ, copious posts about my wonderful family, failed fishing jaunts - (I don't do trips, they require too much time attention and care - jaunts will suffice for me), hikes and camping both with and without my boys, food glorious food, politics, business and the current (now past tense) job search. I am sure there will be more...

Thursday, April 23, 2009


Time has been a topic of conversation a lot recently.  My wife has said it is past Time that I write another entry here in the blog (thus half the reason I am doing so - don't want to be in trouble).  I think it is high Time I had found gainful employment.  For all of you work-a-day fools, yes I am a bit jealous but don't feel too bad for me...unemployment is so under-rated.  Take the Dave Ramsey course and then smile real big when someone tells you you're about to have a lot of Time on your hands.  

It is about Time for school to be out.  Angie seems more excited about summer than the boys.  4 weeks from today they will be done; whatever will we do then.

We have finally taken the Time to do some of the annoying upkeep on the house.  Angie painted the kitchen cabinets.  As many of you may be thinking - oh no, cabinets are impossible to do well...you just don't know Angie.  Angie has painted a good bit of the baseboards that needed work.  Angie has done touch up paint in the bathroom.  Angie is about to paint the exterior of the windows; here is the Time where I come back into the work thing....I paint anything past the third step on a ladder.  I also re-caulked a few things in the bathroom....and I do a lot of yard work.  Yes, I feel I need to take a bit of Time to be sure not all of you think Angie does all the work around here.  It may be true but I don't want you to know it.  

It definitely takes too much Time and effort to kill off all the weeds in the yard.  

I can't stand the still freezing cold water for a long enough Time to find the current leak.

I am donating some of my Time to help Phil Williams on his Alabama State Rep campaign (district 6- check him out www.votephilwilliams.com).   It is fun to take Time and talk politics.  It is sad when someone notes I worked on Sid McDonald's US Senate campaign and says "wow, that was a long Time ago".

My mom keeps reminding me that God always comes through just in Time...his Time not mine.  She notes that 11:59 is in Time if you turn into a pumpkin at midnight.  My reply was it feels like 11:45.  

One of my favorite Time quotes is actually from Albert Einstein... "When you sit with a nice girl for two hours, it seems like two minutes.  When you sit on a hot stove for two minutes, it seems like two hours that's relativity." It really highlights attitude, situation and focus can affect how Time seems to pass.

Now I have taken a bit of your Time and my Time to talk about Time.  And it is Time I let the dog out as her whimpering is likely due to some pressure making Time drag on for her while the whimpering is finally getting annoying enough for me to take the Time to stop what I am doing and let her out.

Saturday, April 4, 2009

So bad luck comes in 3s

If bad luck does truly come in threes as the old adage indicates, I am relieved.  My only hope is that silver linings don't negate or decrement the count in any way.  

Back in January I lost my job...boo hoo, sad for me.  Bad luck number one.  However, I wasn't getting much professional satisfaction there so I wasn't heartbroken (bit of silver creeping in).  Thank the Lord in Heaven, Angie and I had gone through Dave Ramsey's Financial Peace University.  One of the first things they tell you to do when you get the boot is to figure out your "runway", how long will your cash last before you are hosed.  10 minutes - that was all it took; we knew exactly how much we spent, on what, and which expenses could be cut.  Much to my pleasant surprise we had a bit more of a highway than a runway (a thick lining...maybe a double coat on that cloud).  The best part of being laid off in my personal opinion is time with the family - I have walked the kids to and from school most every day for the last quarter.  I have spent hours and hours of time normally wasted facing a computer screen looking at my beautiful wife.  I can take Jake to karate.  I can play basketball with Josh.  On a warm sunny spring day I can make calls about a potential job while sipping tea by the pool. (By now there is a little bit of cloud in the middle of a big ball of silver.)

Cars, the good old reliable target for gremlins, the never fail source of bad luck and bad timing.  Half way to a camping trip with Jake the transmission all but dropped to the ground on my car.  Angie to the rescue in the van that had so many issues we decided last year to not fix anything else and just run it into the ground until we could replace it...oh yeah, we bought two brand new shiny air conditioners for the house and now unemployment...the whole save for a car thing has been a bit behind due to life continuing to happen on a regular basis.  This was bad luck number two but I would give it a compounded factor due to the fact that it was the reliable car not the piece of something or other that broke down.  Silver lining....Angie and I have tremendous family that know no end to their generosity.  The car is fixed and Angie is driving a new vehicle with a wonderful reliability rating (she thinks its cute too).

Bad luck number three isn't about a silver lining - its about a vinyl one, the pool.  While cleaning out the pool I noticed the water level dropping.  Cleaning out the pool this spring has been especially fun as we decided not to cover the pool this winter and just see what it does.  What it does is fill up with leaves and worms and all sorts of nasty decomposing things that have to be mucked out for you to be able to see the bottom of the pool.  Once the mucking was complete, Angie found the source of the leak - a tear about 18" long.  A vinyl repair kit will likely do the job but the liner is aging a bit and at some point will need to be replaced...what fun.  The more immediate issue is I have to get my butt in that freaking freezing cold water.  I don't normally venture into the water until May...and then only for a bit because the boys want to play or some favorite pool toy is in the bottom of the deep end.  Upon emerging from the water it takes an hour or so before the numbness subsides.  Fixing a tear will take a bit of time.  I will need to measure the tear.  I will need to clean the area pretty well. Check the size of the patch.  Try to get the patch in place...add some more sealant while submerged because it is inevitable that some will wash off and not stick well (know this one from experience).  Smooth out all the wrinkles, bubbles etc in the patch.  After all of this I will likely be so cold that my fingers won't work and muscles will start to freeze up.  Angie will have to pull on a rope attached to my waist to drag me over to the edge of the pool and lay me in the sun to hopefully thaw before sundown... in that process I will likely get a sunburn.  I am looking for the silver lining on this one -Angie thinks she has found it - she gets to pick the pattern for the next pool liner.