Welcome to a Part of Me

To those that care, those that might and those that are just curious:

I am a Christian, husband, father etc. At times a bit of a contrarian so don't assign me all of the labels one might associated with those categories. I have an extreme love of food and wine and sharing them as frequently as possible. I have opinions, many of which will never see the light of a computer screen.

As time progresses you can anticipate snippets on what I understand about following Christ, copious posts about my wonderful family, failed fishing jaunts - (I don't do trips, they require too much time attention and care - jaunts will suffice for me), hikes and camping both with and without my boys, food glorious food, politics, business and the current (now past tense) job search. I am sure there will be more...

Friday, August 14, 2009

Full time

I am now two weeks back into full time employment. Despite my joy about the pending paycheck, I am already missing the excessive time to do as I wished. Alas I have not played Tiger Woods Golf on the Wii in weeks; my given status as the course favorite is gone. Leaving the office after a half day to go fishing...no longer an option. The dutiful and heart-warming walk to school with the boys, a thing of the past.

On the plus side, having experienced the leisure of time off with limited resources has created a drive deep in my being to become independently wealthy so as to have the envious combination of too much money and ample time to waste it. In addition to good old fashioned work ethic, creativity and determination; I believe I will dabble in high stakes poker games, casino gambling and lotteries. Truth be told, at least for a little while, the only high stakes would be steaks on the top shelf of the fridge (joke works better audibly). Casino gambling would be fun but there is not a local tribe with a nickle bet craps table near. Lottery is a possibility; I have a friend that can mule in tickets from Tennessee (her kid's college needs to be paid for - she will gladly feed my habit).